Mall of Dilmunia in Bahrain

Mall of Dilmunia in Bahrain

From Rebranding to Results: My Role in Transforming the Mall of Dilmunia

Project Involvement: August 2019 till 31st December 2023

In 2019, as part of the lead team at Satellite Samurai, I was instrumental in securing and managing the Mall of Dilmunia project in Bahrain. I spearheaded the development of a new creative vision for the Mall, which included creating a new logo, brand guide and overall visual direction for marketing and communications. This revamped brand identity was then translated across all facets of the Mall’s digital presence.

Building a Thriving Online Community

I led the team in establishing the Mall of Dilmunia’s online presence from the ground up. This included:

  • Designing and launching a user-friendly website.
  • Creating and managing engaging social media accounts on platforms like Google Pages, Linkedin, Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube.
  • Directing a social media team and content creators to develop a consistent brand voice and visual style.

Creative Visual Solutions: Driving Brand Recognition

As a graphic designer and creative director, I played a key role in developing a cohesive visual language for the Mall of Dilmunia. This included:

  • Creating marketing and communication materials, including brochures, flyers, and presentations.
  • Designing event materials that captured the essence of each event and attracted visitors.
  • Developing compelling presentations for leasing purposes, showcasing the Mall’s unique offerings to potential tenants.
  • Designing impactful signages, mall collaterals, and banners that provided clear information and enhanced the overall customer experience.

Measurable Success

Our efforts resulted in a significant increase in website traffic after the launch of the new website. We also cultivated a continuously growing organic social media following for the Mall. Additionally, I fostered relationships with key media outlets, which led to a notable increase in brand mentions on social media.

The Mall of Dilmunia’s successful rebranding and digital marketing strategy culminated in their win of the Marketing Initiative of the Year Award at the Retail Asia Awards 2022. This award serves as a testament to the impact of the project on the Mall’s overall success.

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