13 Years in the UAE: Finally Got the Dream Title

It’s been 13 years, 4 months, and 6 days—4,876 days to be exact—since I first stepped into the UAE. Yet, it feels like just yesterday when I, a 21-year-old, arrived, uncertain about what the future held.

Starting out wasn’t a cakewalk. I shed a lot of tears, made plenty of mistakes (still do), but my passion and sincerity kept me going. Little by little, without realizing it, a few of my dreams came true. This is one of those reminders:

Yet, as time went on, the dream became tiring. Doing what you love shouldn’t feel like a burden, right? Deep down, I still cherished what I did, but the weight of being a full-time mom and employee took its toll. After contemplating for years, I finally summoned the courage to hit pause, take a break, and do something for myself—not just for me, but for my own little family. I want to savor every moment that I can get.

Living in the UAE is no walk in the park, and it comes with its costs. But I know, I can figure it out. For now, let me celebrate another dream that turned into reality, wearing the most prestigious title and possibly the most important one.

Here’s to taking a moment to slow down, embrace your loved ones, and share precious moments with those who matter the most. Cheers!

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